1 |
Parents should ensure that their children leave for school in time, neat and clean. |
2 |
The academic progress or weakness of every child will be communicated regilarly. Parents are supposed to study the progress of child with care and take note of the
remarks made by the Class Teacher/Principal.
3 |
Parents should attend the Parent-Teacher Meeting, for these are essential to have a better Co-ordination between school and the home environment of the child.
If parents wants to meet the class - teacher for any reason, other than the day scheduled for the Parent-Teacher Meeting, they are requested to do so by appointment.
4 |
The work done by the pupils in their exercise books should be checked by the parents/guardians everyday, to enable them to note the progress of their work. |
5 |
The School will not be responsible for goods, articles, money or books lost by the children. Parents should not send any costly item with their children to school. |
6 |
Parents are requested to clearly mark the name, class and section of the pupil onall woollens,tiffins,water bottels, caps, scarves etc. |
7 |
Damage to school property , of whatever nature, will have to be paid for. Writing on walls or furniture will be dealt with. |
8 |
They are expexted to look into the diary, daily to see their child's home assignments. Please make sure that your child does all his/her home assignments regularly. |
9 |
Parents are requested to cooperate with the school in enforcing regularity, discipline and a high academic standard. |
10 |
Parents must read the notices and circulars given to the child from time to time. |